Are You Independent?
As Americans, we are naturally very independent people. We choose how to spend our time, where to work, when to eat and a million other things. America is a series of choices… all the time!
However, as people made in the image of God, this independence has its limits. Incredibly, in the fifteen seconds it has taken you to read this post, you have depended on God for the breath that keeps you alive.
We all like to believe that we are totally independent. But we are not. You are not. No matter who you are, you are not totally independent.
We are free from the tyranny of our fellow man, thank God, but we are not truly independent. You depend on God no less than any other living being. The really interesting question is, what are you going to do about it?
One route is to pretend that God doesn’t exist, dive deeper into your fantasy narrative about being a self-made man or woman and refuse to submit to anyone or anything. (this is actually pretty popular in Texas!)
The route I suggest is one of humble gratitude. God made you. He loves you, without reservation. He wants to see you perfected and spending eternity with Him. He will provide every single thing that you will ever need to be perfected. All he asks for is your trust and obedience. You don’t have to be perfect yet! You just have to try… earnestly. Do your best to trust and obey Him. Read His Word every day. Do your best to follow what you read. And thank God for His provision every morning and every evening. He will meet you in your journey and you will be able to throw off that burden of being god by yourself, once and for all.
None of us are meant to live alone and none of us are self-sustaining islands. God is real, He loves you and He can be trusted. May today be the day that you choose to take that first step of faith and begin to experience the freedom of dependence.