Where is God Calling You to Help?
In seminary, I was made aware of the transcendentals, the things that humans have pursued that take us beyond our material world. Historically, Christians have identified these as truth, beauty and goodness. Engaging any one of these can be a wonderful experience that reminds us of our eternal nature.
However, as I began to explore the world around me with these transcendentals in mind, I couldn’t help but notice that every community seems to lack at least one of these. For example, Arlington, Texas, my home city and the place where I am planting Trinity Church has quite a bit of goodness and truth but is lacking in beauty. We have an opportunity here, as the church, to model what beauty looks like and help point others to the beauty we find and create here.
So I ask you, reader, what does your city lack?
To understand each of these transcendentals, you have to imagine yourself engaging something and recognize what it does to your soul. This helps you see the way this transcendental points you to the eternal God we worship and all the good gifts He desires to give us.
For example, a high school student who studies mathematics and has an epiphany moment in her studies has touched the wonder of truth. She has seen an unbreakable fact and it is remarkable to behold.
A new driver who breaks down on the side of the road and is miles from home receives help from a kind passer-by who changes her tire for her, gets back on the road and never complains about it is truly being good. His help reveals his goodness and this is inspiring.
Finally, a visit to a fine art museum gives each of us a chance to see beauty first-hand… and to be amazed at the sheer glory of it. The colors, the detail, the… beauty of it reminds us that we are far more than mere atoms. We are made in the image of God!
This is what the transcendentals do. They point us to our Creator and make our hearts yearn for something more. We were designed to yearn for something more.
You certainly want more of at least one of these. Where is God calling you to learn, to lead and to share truth, beauty and goodness?
May God bless you in your journey.