Is it Time to Quit?
I’ve been working ever since I was about 14 years old. I loved earning money and being able to spend it on whatever I wanted. So payday was my favorite day! But second in line was quitting time. After a long eight-hour shift, on my feet, I loved being able to “punch out and go home” as my manager would say. My work was done. Such a good feeling.
Maybe you have that feeling about your prayers to God. Maybe you remember praying the sinner’s prayer… you may speak to God once in a while, but those deeply held desires of your heart… those, you have quit on. You’ve given up on those prayers. Jesus has something to say about that in Matthew 18:1-8, where he teaches his disciples to pray like an annoying, persistent widow! She feels she has been wronged by the judge and won’t let him hear the end of it. Look it up and read it for yourself.
You see, to God, our prayers are never annoying. He never tires of hearing from us and He never withholds a blessing that would be good for us. He is actually eager to answer your prayers, so long as they match what He says is good. So maybe it isn’t quitting time after all… maybe it’s time for you to begin praying once again.
Fr. Gavin Pate
Photo by Ruben Hutabarat on Unsplash